Friday, June 10, 2011

My poor neglected blog.

Well, it's been quite a while since I posted on here. Our computer broke down, so I couldn't load pictures. Then I started doing Facebook and it seemed easier to just post a few things on there, but I do miss journaling about what we've been doing, so I'm taking it back up.

We've finished our school year and begun summer. The last half of the school year was busy and fun. We had co-op from the first of February until the first of April. I taught a hands-on history class about pioneer life for David's age group and helped sponsor a class for Hannah's group that involved a lot of building contraptions with unique items.

We all four went to Tybee in February with Anita and had lots of fun there. In March, we found out that Darin might lose his job because of cutbacks. By the end of April we found out he did have his job, so we are thankful for that. The kids and I went with Anita, Seth, and Angela to Disneyworld in May. We had a great time there.

We were done with our schooldays by the end of May. Hannah finished up 8th and David finished up 2nd. They are growing so fast. I'm so thankful that God has made a way for me to be home with them all this time. He is an awesome and mighty God!

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